moor-e is an owner-managed company with a particularly high vertical range of manufacture and extensive repair know-how. Due to our own production facility in Ritterhude and the use of only permanent employees with many years of experience, we are able to exert a great influence on all ecological aspects of the company management. And we do – environmental protection is a topic close to our heart.
Thus, we pay attention to the recyclability and energy efficiency of our products already during production. We reduce unavoidable electronic waste to a minimum by repairing and recycling old electronics. When in use, the high quality of our welding equipment guarantees the longest possible service life. This avoids the need for early new purchases. Of course we also avoid packaging waste as far as possible in all activities.

From the law of conservation of energy we know that no material „dissolves in air“, but is always only transformed. This is also the case with our welding and battery technology: wherever possible, we process old material and return it to the raw material cycle.
How we recover valuable raw materials
- Consistent recycling: We reuse production waste and packaging material. Only material that is no longer usable is put into the recycling container.
- Reconditioning of assemblies: We dismantle, clean and replace wearing parts of used mechanical assemblies so that the assembly is as functional as a completely new part.
- Up- and downcycling: Materials such as wood or plastics that have changed their composition and quality during use are reused for other purposes where possible.
Every business operation generates non-reusable materials at the end of the day. We collect these materials absolutely pure, i.e. we separate metals, plastics and organic material in different containers. Then we hand over the respective waste materials to qualified companies, which process and dispose of them. In this way, we also assume responsibility for all materials that leave our company at the end of our own production and recycling cycles.
moor-e GmbH
Head office: Tel. +49(0)421/54906-0
Distribution: Tel. +49(0)421/54906-23
Fax. +49(0)421/54906-83
Repair. Manuals:
Spare parts:
Society for Development,
Repair and distribution
electronic systems
Heidkamp 10
27721 Ritterhude
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